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The Unburdened Mother


The free child blooms from the unburdened mother.

The space is your liberated, responsive nervous system, so you can be her.

So you can respond.

So you can show up.

So you can sit in the moments the brainwaves are forced to slow down.

Even when you want to run away.

Even when it hurts.

The unburdened mother— is a revival and restoration of the lightness that is possible inside the body for the mother that perhaps has not taken true shape yet on this planet in an anchored way. For the child to incubate in this space of presence > past pains. For the mother to be in her light, light in the body, free in expression, free from the weight of the world, and in congruence with her soul.

The unburdened mother — is the mother who is not holding it all.

The weight of the anchoring provisions in place and the giving softness of tender presence, beckoned from a body that holds generations of locked stories of of trauma, abuse, neglect, loss, addiction, and survival frozen in time.

If you are a mother, I invite you to explore how light you actually feel in your day to day motions of motherhood combined with where ever else your energy goes. There are chronic narratives and excessive labels on what this “should look like” and also what defines a mom. Combined with excessive pressures to be and do it all in the world today because, “you can.” But what is the highest alignment? Is doing it all alignment for you?

I deeply feel an urgent invitation to return to the essence of who you are and to ground this presence for your child to bloom from. Watch as distractions and detours from your soul path become amplified and evaporated off your path.

Watch as a mission you thought you were on crumbles from an unsteady foundation of fear inside of you. What have you birthed from fear? What have you been forced to step in to? How has motherhood forced you into places you have not consciously agreed to? Is it possible to pave a path that is authentic yet alive, all while upholding an undoing of the storyline that drives the ancient aching form and framework of being?

This requires an extensive undoing of systems and structures that hold together our modern workforce world and care/presence provision in nurturing children. There are gaps and there have been massive breeches in integrity across the board and the children are forced to feel and absorb the absence, while the mothers are left in the mess of mustering through.

How much of your creative energy is bound up on this entanglement of care-provide-be authentic-heal-create-“live your purpose”? Is this truly a narrative we wish to craft? Or is there a calling that is deeper that we are being invited to return to?

What if did not have to be an entanglement?

What if all energy had proper places to flow, especially your children's energy is not at the expense of frenetic responses to the death of the community and tribe, abandonment and loss.

There is a way. There is a simplification available. This is clear as day inside of my cells. It is a knowing that there is a new way forward, coupled with a pause to truly reflect and see where we are going in this direction, if we chose to push forward this way.

We have a moment and an opportunity to pause. And carve this new way forward.

Deeply ask and reflect if you are driving burdened body deeper into the cells, or liberating space and peace for future generations.

I am finding myself deep in this own exploration and simply speaking into what I am feeling and what I feel is a deep calling back to what matters most to create a world of wellbeing for all.

In love,


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